Swansea to Grenoble

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Swansea to Grenoble

55 people have started this walk

  • Distance: 2,104,119 steps
  • Milestones: 13

Swansea to Grenoble: Two wonderful cities linked by the partnership between their universities. Explore some lovely towns and cities in three countries as you walk from the beautiful Welsh coastline to the foot of the French Alps.

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Map of Swansea to Grenoble
  • 1. Swansea


  • 2. Cardiff

    Distance: + 66.85km

  • 3. Bath

    Distance: + 86.51km

  • 4. Winchester

    Distance: + 90.74km

  • 5. Hastings

    Distance: + 156.31km

  • 6. Boulogne-sur-Mer

    Distance: + 151.68km

  • 7. Arras

    Distance: + 104.78km

  • 8. Amiens

    Distance: + 57.60km

  • 9. Paris

    Distance: + 131.29km

  • 10. OrlĂ©ans

    Distance: + 119.88km

  • 11. Bourges

    Distance: + 105.86km

  • 12. Lyon

    Distance: + 267.86km

  • 13. Grenoble

    Distance: + 103.65km

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