Hadrian's Wall

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Hadrian's Wall

2036 people have started this walk

  • Distance: 201,137 steps
  • Milestones: 8

Hadrian's Wall:  The largest Roman archaeological feature in Britain, a cultural icon, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Built the Roman emperor, Hadrian, nearly two thousand years ago, the Wall ran from the banks of the River Tyne near the North Sea to the Solway Firth on the Irish Sea, marking the boundary between the Roman Empire and the unconquered lands of the Ancient Britons to the north.

A great historical walk. Why not give it a go?

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Map of Hadrian's Wall
  • 1. Arbeia


  • 2. Segedunum

    Distance: + 8.73km

  • 3. Cilurnum: Chesters Roman Fort

    Distance: + 41.32km

  • 4. Housesteads Roman Fort

    Distance: + 13.90km

  • 5. Vindolanda

    Distance: + 8.44km

  • 6. Birdoswald

    Distance: + 18.30km

  • 7. Petriana

    Distance: + 25.46km

  • 8. Maia

    Distance: + 21.79km

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