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Ukraine to Poland

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Ukraine to Poland

1043 people have started this walk

  • Distance: 1,303,322 steps
  • Milestones: 4

Ukraine to Poland: It is impossible to find the words to adequately describe this walk. 

We created it to convey our grateful thanks to the people of Poland who have opened their borders and their hearts to the millions of Ukrainian mothers and children fleeing in terror and seeking a safe haven from the horrors of war being visited upon their homeland. 

If you would like to help offer hope to those in urgent need you can do so by donating what you can to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal or the UNICEF Emergency Appeal. Thank you for your support.

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Map of Ukraine to Poland
  • 1. Kyiv


  • 2. Lviv

    Distance: + 514.60km

  • 3. Lublin

    Distance: + 212.84km

  • 4. Warsaw

    Distance: + 166.38km

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