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Carcassone to Zagreb

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Carcassone to Zagreb

105 people have started this walk

  • Distance: 2,076,105 steps
  • Milestones: 10

Carcassone to Zagreb: Travel east through four beautiful countries on a route inspired by European long-distance footpath, E7, taking in some of the continent’s most popular and fascinating cities.

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Map of Carcassone to Zagreb
  • 1. Carcassone


  • 2. Montpellier

    Distance: + 141.23km

  • 3. Marseille

    Distance: + 153.28km

  • 4. Nice

    Distance: + 189.07km

  • 5. Genoa

    Distance: + 201.33km

  • 6. Parma

    Distance: + 165.02km

  • 7. Verona

    Distance: + 98.90km

  • 8. Venice

    Distance: + 121.80km

  • 9. Ljubljana

    Distance: + 212.90km

  • 10. Zagreb

    Distance: + 140.27km

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