
Start This Route

517 people have started this walk

  • Distance: 16,215 steps
  • Milestones: 9

Grenoble: Surrounded by mountains and straddling the Rivers Isère in south-eastern France, the "Capital of the Alps” is a beguiling, historic city renowned for centuries as an important centre of learning.

We’re delighted to have created this route in collaboration with Swansea University to celebrate its strategic partnership with Université Grenoble Alpes.

Thanks Rachel for making this happen.

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Map of Grenoble
  • 1. Le Magasin


  • 2. Porte de France

    Distance: + 1.73km

  • 3. Gare du Téléphérique

    Distance: + 0.58km

  • 4. Ancient Palace of Parliament

    Distance: + 0.25km

  • 5. Musée de Grenoble

    Distance: + 0.44km

  • 6. Stade des Alpes

    Distance: + 1.12km

  • 7. Palais des Sports

    Distance: + 0.19km

  • 8. Université Grenoble Alpes

    Distance: + 2.52km

  • 9. Bastille

    Distance: + 4.29km

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