This Fundraiser has now ended.

My Goal

10 miles for Malawi

Welcome to 10 miles for Malawi, an easy and fun way to help Home of Hope Children's Home in Mchinji, Malawi feed and educate 750 vulnerable children. We are challenging the group together to walk, run or cycle the distance between Bedford and the Home, 6630 miles 😊. Use lockdown to stay fit and bring light and hope to others. Please nag your friends and family to join you, if you get sponsored, great, if not thats totally fine as the main purpose is to raise awareness of the amazing work the Home is doing. Thanks for your support.

All donations are given directly to Malawi Orphan Fund


  • £1,660 Raised so far of £100
  • Total including Gift Aid: £1,932.50
  • 46 Donations
  • Ended on 31/03/2021


Recent Donations

view all
  • Jena Smith

    Smashed it

    £20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid

  • Jena Smith

    Amazing what you have all done . Well done

    £30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid

  • Rachel Bennett

    What a brilliant fund raising event! Well done all walkers👏👍🙏

    £50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid

Walk Progress

10 Miles for Malawi Image

10 Miles for Malawi


with 10 miles for Malawi

100% Complete
  • Last Updated: 28 Mar 2021, 13:54
  • 16,251,347 / 16,251,347 steps
  • Milestone: Malawi
10 Miles for Malawi
Current Milestone

Milestone 10 / 10

100% Complete
Liberia Syria Kenya Myanmar South Sudan Ethiopia Haiti Niger India Malawi


In Malawi befindet sich unser größtes Schulspeisungsprogramm. Malawi ist nach wie vor eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt und steht vor großen Herausforderungen bei Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und Unterernährung.​ Wir versorgen mehr als 1.000.000 Kinder mit Mahlzeiten, was einem unglaublichen Anteil von 30 % der Grundschulkinder des Landes entspricht.​

Mary’s Meals begann 2002 in Malawi, als unser Gründer ein 14-jähriges Waisenkind traf, das ihm sagte, sein größter Traum sei es "genug zu essen zu haben und eines Tages zur Schule gehen zu können".

Malawi is home to our largest school feeding programme. Malawi continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world and faces major challenges in education, health care and malnutrition. We provide meals to more than 1,000,000 children, representing an incredible proportion of the country's primary school children. ​

Mary's Meals began in Malawi in 2002 when our founder met a 14-year-old orphan who told him his biggest dream was to "have enough to eat and one day go to school."